About Us

Gold Support is a registered provider that supports people with disabilities. We are committed to, and abide by, the National Disability Insurance Scheme Practice Standards and the Quality & Safeguards Commission requirements. People with a disability have the right to respect, dignity and full participation in society We aim to provide you with a high-quality service that meets your expectations and needs. Our collaborative and person-centred approach means that Gold Support will respond to your information positively to improve the services we provide. We are here to support you and to provide guidance and assistance in any choices that you make.

Gold Support will support your goals and decisions regarding the services you choose. We will offer you guidance and assist you in identifying your strengths and weaknesses, so you can develop appropriate skills to help you achieve your goals.

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Gold Support

Our Services

We have a team of experience and qualified staff to assist with managing complex care need.

Can you use your SIL funding in your own home or private rental?

Yes, you can. Gold Support can provide Supported Independent Living funding can be used in different accommodation arrangements such as:
  • Special Disability Accommodation (SDA)
  • Private rental
  • A house that you own
  • Department of Housing and other similar services
  • Shared or group accommodation

Our Gallery

Our Mission

Our Mission is to empower people with a disability to engage opportunities of their choice in a supported and inclusive environment.


Our work will be guided and informed by our beliefs and commitments to: Inclusiveness - we respect people, value diversity and are committed to equality..


We value and recognise the contribution of people with disabilities within organisations and communities.


We strive for excellence through continuous improvement.


We are committed to a culture of teamwork and collaboration with all our stakeholders and families.

contact Us

Please email your coordinator directly if you require anything specific or urgent.

What our customers says

Thousands of people get benefit

We are looking forward to working with you.